
Scenes from The Week-End

Do you ever have one of those weekends that's so busy you feel like you need a day to recover? Well that's where we are today friends.

We kicked things off on Thursday with Amy's photography show, which was excellent...She's awfully talented that one. Then there was a trip to the White Rock Local Market, an impromptu visit to Little Bean, a date at the movies with Audrey, an "end of the year" party/blowout with Audrey's former classmates, Sunday dinner with Erin, Ben and our friend Julie and loads of organizing/purging. In anticipation of fall and starting kindergarten, we tore through out every. single. one. of Audrey's drawers, her closet, toy bins, shelves, etc... It was highly, highly satisfying.

I also cheated a bit on my spending hiatus (more on that Thursday) and on the detox (some sangria and a burger(!) at the end of the year party, a glass of wine and a sliver of Julie's insanely good key lime pie during Sunday dinner.) Yes I'm a big fat cheater pants...ugg.

Audrey and Millie hanging at Little Bean with their friend Brooke...this place is my downfall.

Scenes from Sunday dinner -- chicken salad rolls + stir fry with snow peas, bok choy and cashews...

Taking in art (and cupcakes) at Amy's show...


mrs boo radley said...

Wow, organizing, spring rolls, and an art show--sounds LOVELY!

I cleaned my bathrooms. And we ate salmon with garlic sauce and strawberry salad on our deck. And then some bees attacked us. But I like bees. We got over it.

Heidi said...

What a great time you had! It's a recovery day for us too for sure. Library visit, park, Fairy Day, overnight at the grandparents, visiting great-grandparents, Sunday dinner with my sis-in-law. But all good!

Joslyn said...

Heidi...i need to hear more about "fairy day" spill!

Heather Taylor said...

looks like your weekend was pretty darn magical. hope you have a great week!

Amanda Nicole said...

Such wonderful little adventures! Sometimes I wish Mondays were the Day of Rest :)

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

Love that last photograph...

Anonymous said...

what a lovely weekend. i made spring rolls a few days ago but didn't think to put cashews in them!


ps: i have an austin street style blog, www.commonbirds.wordpress.com

stop by and say hello if you'd like!

frenchie said...

the fisrt 2 pictures are just stunning!

Julia said...

key lime pie, yum. i'd cheat too. :)

Our Green Nest said...

Yes we definitely have those sometimes...sounds and looks like a lovely one though!

paula said...

Amy's show looks amazing, so fun.

Kristin said...

I'm tired just reading about your weekend! You do the coolest things with your girlies. I want to be a mom just like you. ;)

Victoria said...

Your little girls are adorable! I love the pics of them. Your weekend sounds fabulous to me - who doesn't love purging & organizing when paired with dinner & an art show!

PS - I agree Kristin - I want to be a mom just like you, too! :)