It was another good weekend, despite the fact that it was insanely, ridiculously, mind-blowingly hot -- just a whisper away from 100 degrees even, and there’s no sign if it letting up. Yes, I know, talking about the weather is a bit banal, and yes, I realize I live in Texas, which is nightmarishly hot in the summer, but friends, it’s only June. I expect this kind of heat in July and August…But June??!! Ok, I’m done.
Some Highlights:
Some Highlights:
- A Saturday morning trip to the inaugural White Rock Local Market. I was so excited about this, as there’s a dearth of cool, local outdoor markets in the area, and it definitely lived up to my expectations.
I was especially smitten with the chocolates from Dude, Sweet (great name, no?), and I picked up two lovely dresses for Millie (one of which I realized after the fact was called the Millie crochet daydress) from Christine of Baby Bean vintage. (She’s also the co-creator of the perfection that is Small Magazine)…Very fun chatting with her + her hubby Steve (He’s responsible for a lot of Small’s brilliant photography.). - A long overdue date with sweet hubby – dinner at our favorite restaurant + a late evening screening of Away We Go… it was sweet and sad and funny, definitely worth a watch.
- Sunday dinner with lovely cousin Erin and boyfriend Ben -- I made a dessert involving rhubarb + got Audrey to try five new foods. Details here.
How was your weekend?
your weekend sounds lovely! i spent mine with both good friends and new friends ;)
excited to hear about that fantastic wooden artwork!
That chocolate looks amazing! And you're right - the name is wonderful.
those vintage dresses look adorable! i want to dive right into those bright and cheery fabrics!
Sounds great! Ours was wonderful too - but gosh, it WAS SOOO hot, wasn't it?!
I am glad to hear that you liked Away We Go. We thought it looked great in previews, but the reviews have not been good.
Joslyn, i HEAR YOU on the heat. Here in Austin we are wilting under it, and i'm finding it hard to believe that people in other parts of the country are "enjoying the weather" via picnics and outdoor BBQ's. Le sigh.
I hear you about the heat too. We had not electricity for several days as we got knock out during the storms in Dallas. My husband was being positive, but as we entered our third day without power, I became a grump. Our house felt like a tomb. Even the pool went green due to all the rain and no filtration.
I am ready for some solar panels on my roof to prevent this from happening again.
mb -- oooh what a total nightmare! we lived for our air conditioner this weekend...sad.
can't wait to see more of the SUCH a sucker for good art!
Joslyn, these are turning into my favorite posts! I'm so excited each Monday to read what kept you busy over the weekend. Don't envy the heat, but all the other stuff sounds good!
yum ... loving the looks of that chocolate!
great weekend! it sure is going to be a scorching summer. houston is scary hot right now and it's only june. as texans we all know there are no signs of winter till the week before christmas so it's going to be a rough one.
thank goodness for sno-cones...
It sounds like a very fun weekend. Trust me I do understand about the heat, and you're right..its only June! Where can we go from here?
wow, looks like such alovely weekend and those clothes look great!!
Love the chocolate and adore the dresses! Sounds like an all-around perfect weekend!
count me in on loving the dude.sweet chocolates!
sounds like a very lovely weekend indeed!
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