First and foremost, it’s quite possible that she’s the most Stylish. Woman. Ever.
I can't even fathom possesing her ability to put pretty much perfect outfits together without looking in any way "over the top" -- she does this sort of genius mix of jeans, vintage and a heafty dose of American Apparel combined with swoon-worthy, collectible shoes and jewelry.
It's perfection.
But wait, there’s more.
She also has two incredibly chic teenage daughters, one of which (above) just designed a killer collection of shoes for Urban Outfitters… She’s 17.
Whoa! I'd seen her daughter's blog but not hers. You know, it's so great to see a stylish woman online that is not 12:)
Wow... very lovely indeed. ;)
HA HA! Go Dallas!Seriously though, some people do it all.
Urban Weeds -- I agree! I love that she's not a teenager.
me too. have been a fan of these two for a while now. am currently loving the photos of japan on jane's blog. i want her camera so bad i would do just about anything for it.
Good post. I love to find out about inspiring, fabulous people.
I've been looking at her blog for awhile, and yes, am also jealous. I, too, love her effortless style. Also love her daughter's blog!
and did you see that pamela love claw pendant she wore last week? amazing!
seriously, so so stylish. i want to be them!
thanks for showing off some texas style! and 17??? seriously??? so cool.
oh my, I will not be envious, I will not, sigh;)
jos! what are you waiting for?!
get over there and become her friend! quickly!
{and then i'll move back and wedge myself into afternoon lattes and pilates. deal?}
i like a good plan.
swoon. the dining room...
The style that is oozing out of them is ridiculous!! Must be in their genes. I can only imagine what style grandma must have!
Tu for sharing her blog...I had never seen it before and now love both her and Jane's. What's funny though is I walk/run by their house all the time and always knew someone interesting lived there...well NOW I know who b/c I could totally tell by the pics on both of their blogs by the colors and decor you see from street:)! It's just a street over from mine...Anyway, pretty cool. Nice to put a face with the house :)... Tu again for sharing!
I'm a huge fan of both of them! So creative and original.
Insane. Very cool. Must run in the blood!
I'm sure it's not relevant, but when I found the daughter's blog and wanted to die of envy, I soon realised they must be uhm, very well off? Which made me feel a bit better, thinking that with enough money I could be so stylish too. On the other hand; maybe we should give them extra kudos for being rich AND having great taste? Like I said, probably not relevant at all, just something I contemplated.
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