Up until now, Hawaii hasn't made my “top five family vacations” wish list.
My reasoning seemed pretty sound -- If I was going to endure an eight hour plan trip with two small children, I’d rather go to London or Paris, and if we were going to do something tropical and far away, why not shoot for the moon and aspire to Tahiti (snobbish as it seems, Hawaii always seemed a little too “easy”.)
But then I read Ayelet Waldman’s piece in this month’s Cookie about her family’s annual trip to Kona Village, and as if he was reading my mind, yesterday my father-in-law sent over these photos of my husband as a child on a family trip to Hawaii (how awesome are my mother-in-law’s glasses?)… And now, well now Hawaii is on the list. For sure.
It's funny because I always thought the same thing... if I wanted the long flight, I'd go to Europe and if I wanted beach, I'd go to the Caribbean. But those awesome pics make me want to book a flight to Hawaii right now!
Hawaii is amazing. But I am pretty partial to it, as that's where my husband and I tied the knot on a whim with just us and our best friend on the beach. Perfect.
my kids are well-traveled. europe, asia, up and down the east and west coasts. but they miss hawaii. we spent some magical trips there: kauai's hanalei bay, maui wailea and hualalai-kona on the big island. snorkeling with so many sea turtles in hanalei bay in summer is hard to beat. magical scenery. rainbows everyday. trade winds. relaxing dinner with friends at their gorgeous beach house. now that we live on the east coast i don't know when we'll get back but we will one day.
Hawaii is AMAZING. That's where my husband and I went on our honeymoon and we almost didn't leave, ha! Beautiful, wonderful place.
my parents were just there. They were skeptical but said it was a magical place. Sadly I think some parts of it are over commercialized but a lot of untouched spots still exist.
I love that you share so many intimate moments about your family with us. You have a great perspective and refreshing voice in your blog posts.
I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, maybe next year.. :)
Years ago, when my sister worked in the film industry in LA, her boss gave her three round-trip ticket to Hawaii and oddly enough my sister chose me and another sister. I was skeptical. I was more of a London, and Paris kind of girl and I didn't "do" tropical, especially not cheesy touristy places ... but then I went to maui and found this magical island and fell in love. You may too ...
I used to 100% agree with your assessment of Hawaii--though since I'm from California, it's a lot closer for me to get there than most Americans. I thought it was too cliche of a honeymoon destination and not exotic enough. That is, until my parents sprung for a Hawaiian vacation with me and my siblings. It was incredible. It really is a paradise and the people are so friendly and the big island, where we stayed, is SO diverse: there are beaches, volcanoes, farmland, coffee plantations, some rainy parts, some dryer parts. It's truly amazing.
What was also amazing was the Four Seasons, where we stayed--talk about luxury! Now I know why so many newlyweds come here. Divine.
love those pictures. yeah-never really felt the need to go to hawaii either. hmmm...got me thinking now too.
kevyn and i just had that exact conversation about why hawaii isn't on our 'must do' list!
i've never been to hawaii. i have to kind of agree - it seems too easy, but at the same time... i'm feelin compelled. i have a bunch of other places on my list, though, so hawaii's gonna take a backseat for the meanwhile, but i'm definitely going to have to hit it up before i'm 50.
which will more than likely mean i'll be there with kids.
my fiance and i went to tahiti a few years ago as a stop over on our way to new zealand... you had to take a tiny puddle jumper from the big island of tahiti out to the smaller island of moorea. it truly felt untouched, we rode bikes around the entire island and ate in the local french cafes in town. amazing.
hawaii is also beautiful, i have an aunt that lives on maui in the little town of kihei. we took the outrigger canoes out on the ocean and had a blast. much more kid friendly!
with the kiddos hawaii is definitely your best bet. save tahiti for a getaway with just your husband! it's all honeymooners anyway!
I read it as well and had the same reaction. It looks so great.
Funny, I feel the same way about Hawaii. Unfairly punishing it because of the "over-exposure" and visions of cheesy honeymoons.
Perhaps I am not giving it a chance?
I'm sure Hawaii is gorgeous, but I have to say, for a much shorter flight from TX, it's hard to beat Costa Rica. It is indeed a sort of paradise and there are so many un-touristic places (esp. on the Nicoyan peninsula) and seemed great for kids (wildlife everywhere, etc.) If you've not been, you might check it out.
love your blog.
I grew up and live on Maui and I can't imagine living anywhere else. This place is magical! Of course there are bad parts just like anywhere you go but there are so many amazing spots to see. I highly recommend it!
That is somewhere I'd love to visit!
Hawaii. We booked a return visit for the end of July. Over the years we have taken several trips there (from Texas) with our children. Each island has a different feel. We are going back to the Big Island this time (Four Seasons too). I have been to Lanai, Maui, and the Big Island... Lanai is pretty wonderful too. Incredible golf courses, horseback riding, skeet shooting, archery, swimming, hiking, and best of all, noooooo commercialism. The place is untouched. Traveling with children, try B.I or Mauii first.
Your timing is impeccable - I'm just sitting down to my computer catching up on blog posts I missed because we've been in Maui for the last 8 days! If you ever decide to go and want to go somewhere secluded - I'd recommend the Hotel Hana Maui. It's a two hour drive away from the airport on one of the most beautiful roads in the world, and it feels like you've stepped back in time. I'm already missing it!
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