I'm so intrigued by this notion:
She hasn’t even added much furniture; years of moving taught her to go light on possessions. “This was really for peace of mind. I wanted to feel weightless,” she says. “I brought clothes and shoes. That’s it.” There is nothing in her bedroom except for a mattress and box spring on the floor and a TV propped up on milk crates. “…
Part of Vassell’s intention for the space was to fill it only with the bare necessities. “The challenge was to see what I really, truly needed, not buy for the sake of having.”
via NY Magazine
see and me, I just want to fill it all up! add this and that...paint the walls! hee hee. love you!
absolutely awesome!
i love that quote - it reminds me of the book 'enough' by john naish, and of this website: http://www.storyofstuff.com/
(but with style added!)
I agree with Courtney, absolutely awesome! I love the minimalistic style!
So up my alley. No possessions but still stylish. I love it!
Having just moved from a studio into a one-bedroom apartment, I so understand the need for feeling lightweight and free from too many possessions. There's something about moving that creates the need to purge, purge, purge.
wow, this is very interesting. wish i could implement these ideas into my own life.
that looks like me 10 years ago. Lightweight. No possessions, just a couple of bags with clothes, shoes and books.
yes. i love this. it makes me feel calm and clean.
Appealing in theory, but I might start to feel like I was living in a bomb shelter...
i want to fill it all up too! that drives me crazy haha
why such a big space then? silly.
amy -- i think she uses the space to throw big parties ;-)
I loved this too. And then I thought, "She must be in her 20's."
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