
Just a Few Random Bits...

Why can’t my dishes, napkins and whatnot look as stunning as Pia Jane’s… seriously, her photography and styling skills slay me.

I’m digging this sweet summery top… (and realizing I better get rolling on my eBay plan as “the dress” is now on sale!)

I want some Le Creuset (preferably in green or white) so bad it hurts.

That’s all...


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

would it be irrational of me to throw out all of my white dishes so that i can buy new ones with pops of green?

Joslyn said...

C&C -- nah!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

love that top!

Anonymous said...

Green! My favorite color! I love it all, and love your blog (which I just recently found! : )


Rachel said...

Oh, I love that top! Green is my (current) favorite color, I think. I'm loving all the different shades.

Johanna said...

I love my Le Creuset! I have a grill pan and a dutch oven in red.

Tiffany said...

i have a le creuset dutch oven like the one above but in orange! it is SPECTACULARRRR

Julia said...

LOL, so well put!

traphic signs said...

ok... so here's what i found:

Le Creuset Factory Store
820 West Stacy Rd. Ste #456
Tel: 972-678-2222

ummm... day trip?


Joslyn said...

erin...ummm yes!
maybe saturday ;-)

Katherine Lee said...

Those first few photos are absolutely gorgeous! I'm so thrilled to have come across your lovely blog and have added you to my blogroll over at Urban Flea. Cheers my dear!
xo Katherine aka. Urban Flea :)

Vivi said...

I have a few Le Creuset pieces in orange and they make me sooo happy!

Joanna Goddard said...

oooh that pot is gorgeous. my mom had an orange one for 25 years (no joke) and it was looking shabby so she wrote to them and they sent her a new one without her even showing them a receipt. now THAT inspires brand loyalty :)

. said...

Love all the green!


nichole said...

Addicted to le Creuset. I have a huge red pot that I adore. I've had it for a few years, and I would honestly not be able to cook without it. I've been eyeing the pretty yellow ones.

ren said...

I really adore your blog! The only way Le Creuset is even somewhat of a realistic purchase for me, is when I go outlet shopping. *sigh*

Kristin said...

{sigh} le creuset... i'm always crushing on le creuset.

Joslyn said...

ren -- i'm with you on the le creuset...i just discovered an outlet nearby...so maybe that's the ticket for me.

Blair Friedeman said...

Her photography is just beautiful!

Emily said...

they have some (light) green on sale at a bunch of Marshall's/ homegoods.

I just got two dutch ovens that way!!

i am pam said...

love the sweet summery top! very cute. As for Le Creuset - I have the big one and i simply love it. so you need to get your green or white. think of it as an investment in good eating for the family!

SimplyGrove said...

I love that shirt!!!

Anna said...

I'm really loving your blog and your eye for pics.

And...I, too, covet that green Le Creuset. Why is that company so very magical?