
So I'm Wondering...

If my house could be as rockin as Elizabeth's if I bought these decals...

Somehow I doubt it, but I still might buy them for the girlie's rooms... It's worth a try.


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

i think those little drops would make any room so sweet and precious. i say go for them!

paula said...

that does make it a bit extra special doesn't it:)

stacy said...

i like 'em!

Jessica said...

They are awesome, but your house is already pretty darn rockin' :)

Clarity said...

I'm not sure for a kid's room. At first I thought they were teardrops- must work like Rorschach paintings!

abigail said...

I love the rain drops and the tea set is pretty great too.

Blair Friedeman said...

Now, those are just adorable! Such a cute idea for a wall pattern.

simplesong said...

definitely worth a try. love these!

Callie Grayson said...

They are very cool.

Mary said...

Wall decals are so great and an easy way to add some personality to a space. Good luck!

inkWELL Press said...

Those decals are so fun.

Kristin said...

I think they're pretty cool... but I'm not sure that I would want raindrops (that kind of look tears) around all the time.

Perhaps it's because of the nonstop rain we've been having...

Rain rain go away!

Mrs.French said...

this makes me laugh! I was wondering the very same thing yesterday...I came up with a big, fat "NO!"...you however, may have a better chance...xo t

Leigh said...

i'm usually not a big fan of decals, but i love the whimsy of these.