- A pair of wide leg trouser jeans that I’m planning to return, so let’s not even count those, ok?
- Some melamine cups for the girlies – I’d try to justify these as essential, as the girls are growing out of sippy cups but still not ready for glass, but who am I kidding? They weren't “essential.” Although, Audrey does loves them more than life itself... She drinks out the hot pink one non-stop. Seriously, the littlest things thrill that child.
- A pair of olive green “cargo-ish” pants – I actually had these "bookmarked" to buy after the spending hiatus for schlepping around in this summer, but I found myself in Gap Kids last week getting Audrey a new pair of tights (which were essential, as she refuses to wear anything but skirts or dresses with tights, and all her tights are shot…), and the pants were significantly on sale, so I caved fearing they’d be gone by the time I was allowed to purchase them... Moral of the story? Stay. Out. Of. Stores.
Cheating aside, I still feel pretty focused, and we’re continuing to spend the time we would be shopping or returning things we bought impulsively and decided we didn’t love (see #1) doing far more meaningful activities…We cooked a couple of yummy meals, made our weekly pilgrimage to the library for new chapter books to read before bed, had a great visit with my mom who flew in for the week and went on a lovely grown-up date on Saturday night (courtesy of mom) – by far the highlight!
How did you all do this week?
I was saved by some heartless wench... Been through a tough two weeks where the urge to just buy myself a little something pretty has been huuuuge. Then I saw a dress I've loved forever marked down from $180 to $20!!! I left the store, slept on it and decided to budge and confess. Went back and it was gone. Obviously. Sheesh. So I'm doing great, no thanks to me though!
I caved to my friend...at target: a few cheap(but still not justified buys)2 zipper dresses for summer, and a swim suit to motivate me to get to the gym!!!!!It is my GOAL swim suit buy(needed). Ahhhhh...feel better now.
love you. xoxox
Please don't beat yourself up. You have been doing great. Let's hear about that date!
Love date night with the hubby... especially one that includes a free babysitter. Just think of the money you saved on a sitter and now just apply it to those cargos. Purchase justified.
I broke down and bought a photo on etsy.
You're funny but how could i not appreciate your candid honesty?! I understand the jeans thing...I have something to return today as well!
I think what really matters for everyone is that we're all A WHOLE LOT MORE aware of our spending. I didn't buy anything non essential for myself this past week, though I did order a few spring things for my girls (which they will need, though I probably could have waited.) I love the process that I now go through when I think I "need" something. I'm glad for this time that is helping me break my consumerism down into something more manageable...
i read your blog pretty regularly but somehow missed this spending hiatus project! how long is it supposed to last and is it to late to join?
hi lucky,
it's a three month spending hiatus that officially began on Jan 10th and lasts until April 10th. You can absolutely still join. just let me know and i'll add you to the list.
You have been doing SO great, and I admire your ability not to cave. Think of it this way: at least pants are useful and somewhat essential. You could have bought a handbag. ;)
That Eames rocker knock-off on Overstock got me. And some shoes. I do a little bit worse every week:(
You're still doing such an incredible job! I think your purchases were very wise decisions, and very yummy too!
I did good this weekend, partly because I was sick and partly because of the freakish snow in Alabama...but either way ZERO dollars spent!!!!
This seems to be the "week of the cheat". I bought an Vitamin C facial serum because I didn't already have one and could dub it "essential". Now I'm not sure, but it's already used so I can't return. At any rate, it is *kind of* essential skincare right?
Other than that, I had no desire to buy anything for myself. This is amazing, given that I used to go shopping every week. AND I actually got rid of some old stuff as well. You wouldn't think that refraining from buying new things would make me want to clean out my closet, but there ya go.
Sounds like you're doing great, little cheats aside. I don't think I could resist on-sale cargos either, if I already wanted them.
I never officially joined the hiatus, but I've been trying not to buy anything... and this weekend I cheated too. I blame my friend, who got me into Zara. I can never resist Zara. The funny thing is, if I don't go to the shops, I don't even want to buy anything, but if I find myself in there, I'll buy, buy, buy. So yes, I'm with you. Stay. Out. Of. Stores.
Still, it's amazing that we are all buying much less stuff now, and thinking twice (most of the time). Thanks for starting this. Can I still officially join?
I keep wanting to join but i keep buying things. Orla Kiely launched at Target, these great boots were on sale, I needed gray leg warmers, etc. etc. But i think I'm ready now. Yes I am ready. Sign me up! Oh, and show us those cargo pants. . .
I have made it 21 days with no slip-ups. . .
Oh my... I too slipped up. I must stay out of stores! Bought my kiddos some shoes:(
Only "non-essential" was sushi dinner out for our 10-year engagement anniversary. Almost essential and so worth it. Other than that, avoided stores to stay hiatus true.
Dora -- i think that for sure counts as essential!
I am joining in the hiatus for Lent and hopefully beyond, but I did slip up the first day!
Wow, there must have been something about this week...I bought a few J. Crew items, but am taking them back. I can't take the guilt! What has happened to me??? ;)
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