
Me (Feel Free to Skip...)

I've been tagged a couple of times (most recently by my friend Kim) and am just now getting around to it. Six random things -- here goes...

  1. My great, great grandfather was born in Argentina to Lebanese parents and came to America to own a carnival. Yes, I descend from carnies.
  2. Rosanna Arquette once babysat me backstage at a Toto concert.
  3. I hate the sound of crumbling paper towels (to me, it’s worse than nails on a chalkboard.)
  4. After I drink my ice tea I eat the lemon wedge, peel and all…every. single. time.
  5. I love the smell of the eucalyptus trees in Golden Gate Park so much it hurts.
  6. I don’t own a pair of tennis shoes. (Sad, I know.)


Our Green Nest said...

Now, why would anyone skip that? I liked reading each one of them, but especially like the carnie bit. Very interesting. You don't have tennis shoes? :). Tu for sharing!

stacy said...

peel and all?


Toujours Dimanche said...

As Stacy, before me, I sticked to: you eat even the peel? Interesting... original. Doesn't seem to taste good.
And I understand the feeling when something smells so good it hurts. For me, it is sage incense. It remembers me of India.

Kim said...

Joslyn, I am so glad you did this! I learn new things about you all the time. The photo really captures your elegant aesthetic. Great blog!

Heather Taylor said...

Beautiful picture. And LOVELY list.

Kate said...

You can hear a paper towel? I never realized they made noise. I'm going to have to try that out. Also, the peel? Really? Isn't it bitter?

I love reading and answering things like that...how else do we get to know each other on the web?

Jane Flanagan said...

Sweet! I love learning more about other bloggers!

paula said...

no tennis shoes? i am amazed really. that photo of you is fantastic. quite stunning.

christina said...

I've never met anyone who shares the same paper towel trouble that I have. I just got chills thinking about it. Ugh!


I don't own a pair of tennis shoes either.

Tracey said...

I only wear tennis shoes to coach my daughter's basketball and the other coach has to call and remind me to take my heels off before I go to the game- sad and a bit of Alzheimers!
Being a carnival descendant- have you ever read the book Water for Elephants? Interesting story...

Anonymous said...

I love this random fact thing going around.
You eat the lemon peel? Really?
No tennis shoes. Does this include running shoes too? That's a shocker to me! I have so many!

Miss | A said...

So fun. Have a great day! Did we talk about how I grew up in Argentina before. Soul Sisters baby!

Erica Kelly said...

im intrigued!:)

Joslyn said...

Tracey -- We read Water for Elephants for our bookclub...v. interesting story!

Buck + Camp -- nope, not even running shoes. I know, i'm so lazy, right??? I walk with the girlies in my flip flops...(so bad for my feet) and do yoga barefoot. But i have to find some "reasonable" shoes before the trip to Marfa.

All -- after soaking in ice tea for a while, the peel isn't as bitter as you think. i promise! but i've likely built up a tolerance, as i've eaten lemon peel since i was five!

Anne said...

beautiful photo!

Joanna Goddard said...

no tennis shoes? that's nuts! :) i love that you eat the lemon wedge :)

Melissa de la Fuente said...

These are possibly THE best random facts ever! I love it....backstage at a toto concert? the whole lemon wedge? :) You are adorable!

amy turn sharp said...

you look stunning.

kylie said...

I luurve that dress you have on (or is it a tunic?;) Gorgeous photo xx

Joslyn said...

kylie -- of course it's a tunic ;-) and i'm also wearing jeans but you can't see them in the photo.

paula said...

I have a little something for you on my blog! Oh, and i still love your random things, very random.

Robin said...

I adore the tunic with the lovely sleeves. Could you share where you got it????

Joslyn said...

Robin -- the tunic is from martin + osa last summer...the salesguy informed me that it was actually a bathing suit cover-up, but i ignored him ;-)

i bet they'll have something similar this summer.

Stephanie said...

You look gorgeous Joslyn...truly.

And I share your love of the eucalyptus trees in San Francisco...I roll down the window every time we drive through the Presidio just to take it all in...the nearby ocean views just add to the experience. Oohh...now I want to head to San Francisco this weekend!

jillian said...

I adore your blog, and love learning a little more about you. The photo is stunning as are you!

SimplyGrove said...

Very Fun! And I Love the image!!

Michelle said...

would never skip! I love your little list, my mom is from Argentina and my husband is from Lebanon...my great granddad trained animals for the carnival, so maybe we are related!

Joslyn said...

oooh michelle...that would be so cool if we were related ;-)

Kristin said...

That's such a lovely photo... you're beautiful! I love to know these little tidbits of the people I "read" every day. thanks for sharing!

I have to go listen to paper towel now...

Julia said...

How could we skip something so neat! And fun and beautiful :)

Lifeofkaylen said...

Rosanna Arquette AND Toto??? Those are some cool randomness!!

east side bride said...

You just made me homesick for SF.

Geisslein said...

the complete lemon with peel and all? uuaaahhh - that makes me shakin´ - hihi....
Greetings from germany, geisslein

Style Court said...

Fascinating soulful person. Beautiful picture!

mary s. said...

OMG, Jos. This photo of you is stunning!

jamey said...

i wandered over here from the style court blog and oh my goodness, i know i'll be stopping by more often. that picture of you is so fab. could you source the necklace? that's my dream "uniform"--tunic or dress, funky jewelry. swoon.

Unknown said...

You are so gorgeous, Joslyn!

I love the eucalyptus trees in the park, too. For four years we lived in an apartment in san francisco that was perched high up on mount sutro in a huge eucalyptus forest. to me it the smell of being a newlywed.