When I obtain mad sewing skills, these lovely things from Hijkids are exactly what I’d like to whip up for the girlies…
For you experienced seamstresses out there, how hard do these things seem?
For you experienced seamstresses out there, how hard do these things seem?
My daughters have that middle dress and it is so pretty and fun!
I hope they aren't too hard because they are adorable!
these are darling. My little lady has a pink version of that dress. As for starting with the sewing process I would do the 3rd first. Very basic and once you master that then move on. I have wanted to make that second dress, but haven't been able to come up with a pattern that works. Let me know if you do!
oh i want to acquire mad sewing skills too!
best of luck.
Your sewing projects are not hard. Good choices for a new seamstress. Good luck.
I just stumbled onto your blog, it's fabulous! And I have no idea how hard it would be to make these, but they're adorable! Especially the first one.
I think you are best off to start with the 3rd one - it's the easiest and then on to #2. Save the top one for last - it appears to be the most difficult in my opinion. My sewing skill certainly aren't fabulous, but I have made a few dresses for Kate and would be happy to help you out. :)
I'll be anxious to see what you make. Did you sign up for that sewing class?
all three would be great beginner projects... can't wait to see what you make!
Do it! Those are adorable. Sniff ... no girls.
Kid clothes are easy because kids don't have curves!!! And tops are easier than pants. You should be fine! And if they look a bit wonky, the kids will grow out of them in no time anyway.
The last one definitely looks the easiest. I would start with that and work my way up to the top one.
They are so sweet!
I wish I knew how to sew! I can't tell you if it would be simple or not, they look simple :) They look darling!
You could totally make these, Joslyn. So much of it, honestly, is in choosing pretty fabric and then just following directions. I'm going to dig around my patterns - I sewed one that's a lot like the bottom awhile ago and I'll find the # for you. ...
Lynne -- thanks! i can only hope to one day possess your sewing prowess.
Kotori -- yep i signed up for the class...can't wait!
Hey there! These are not hard at all (especially that last blouse) you gotta start someplace, and go to Simplicity, pick a easy pattern and just try it out. So what if you mess up!
You could do them! Like everyone else said, #3 is probably the easiest. I hope you give them a try!
I'm right there with you. I would love to be able to sew something so lovely.
I agree..start with the last, it would be the easiest. Are we bringing sewing machines to Seaside. Somebody better let Julie know.
Jane -- oh we totally should! i'll bring mine and if you teach me how to sew that last one i'll buy you lunch and bloody marys at harpoon eddies.
Yes, I browse Etsy everyday and see the absolutely precious creations...hoping that one day either I gain the time or skills to sew something gorgeous for our 2 daughters...aren't daughters fun!
With a pattern, not hard at all!
I always avoid zippers, which seem to absorb a lot of my time! Plus they're so frustrating!
those are beyond j'adorable! i'm dying to learn how to sew!
My sewing is awful - but I managed to make a top like #3 using directions from Indie Tutes. Give it a go - too easy!
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