This is by far my favorite image from this month's Domino...I actually liked the entire house -- a lot. I'm such a total sucker for the gallery wall, gallery shelf, et al.
I especially love their little collection of heart rocks and the framed grouping of photo booth strips. Audrey and I have been taking snaps together every time we stumble across a photo booth... We've got a nice little collection amassed, so I'm thinking of doing something like this with a few of them. Cute, no?
p.s. – there are several great shots of the Ruffalo’s house on Domino’s site that weren’t in the mag.

love this look. love ruffalo. love your blog.
domino rocks!!
Still need to pick up my copy but I saw this online and loved it! I just wish there were some pictures of Mark.. I love him!
Yes, love the gallery wall...also loved the children's room!
Now I have to go get a copy... that gallery wall is stunning. Love that bench...
so clean & fresh!
Your choice of fav photo was mine as well in this month's Domino. Overall great house. So livable and yet so well edited.
yours from Dallas,
it was so funny bc I saw that...and LOL bc I was JUST talking about how hot Mark Ruffalo was on Sat night with our dinner guests! He is so yummy! And I LOVED his HOUSE too! hee.hee.
love that top photo. its perfect..the bench, the boots + the photo arrangement.
gorgeous design - i love finding a featured house that i adore; i just eat up every page!
Oh their house is so lovely. The bench in the entrance is genius! x
I've seen these pictures a few places now, I really love the look of his house. Especially the shelves of art and whatnot.
Just like I said I would, I got my copy last night... I have a couple days of scheduled bedrest next week due to a medical procedure and I can't wait to dig in to my new mag!
This was definitely my favourite shoot in this months' domino as well. that gallery wall is to die for! i love the idea of using white ledges on a white wall---the frames seem to float!
I love photo booth photos! Bryan and I took some in Zurich on our first big trip together and then used it in our wedding program. I blew them up and created a giant signature frame for the wedding which now hangs in our bathroom... http://www.bryanandkim.com/images/zurich.jpg
I was drooling over this house too and was actually thinking of doing a post myself. Love her style. :)
Beautiful....beautiful entryway, beautiful home...
There are so many wonderful posts here that I have missed! Where the heck have I BEEN? I must read them all now and catch up! So lovely,you! :)
ps I love ALL of your stripey shirts
and I am VERY proud of you for not buying the tote, but seriously, now...go get IT! :)
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