
Help Needed...

photo from Home Companion via housemartin

I’ve been looking all over for white trees like the ones scattered across Amy Butler’s coffee table, but no dice. As you are all so genius, I know you’ll be able to tell me where to get some…


* Update -- I knew you guys were genius...Thanks Caitlin and Brook for the link!


Jackie said...

Right off the bat I thought Room Service Home. I checked and they have a similar type, but they have silver balls on them. Link:http://www.roomservicehome.com/prodinfo.asp?number=XC204029
I'll keep looking for something a little closer.

Tiffany said...

Target has white feather tabletop trees that resemble the ones Amy has. Here's the link?: http://www.target.com/Small-White-Feather-Tree/dp/B001A3Q26C/qid=1225747598/ref=br_1_8/183-6354237-0957408?ie=UTF8&node=727915011&frombrowse=1&rh=&page=1

paula said...

pottery barn has little silver ones and white candle ones. i don't know if you have a hobby lobby, but last year they had some.

Raquel (NY) said...

I also have the candle ones from Pottery Barn. Not the same but the visual effect is pretty close.
Good Luck!
Raquel (NY)

ranu. said...

I also think I saw some similar ones at Target, and maybe try Michael's? They have cute small tinsel ones.

editor said...

Crate and Barrel has a totally cool wire tree, way cool looking-check that out. It would look great in your house. Saw the target feather one- a tad thin I think, but cute.

molly said...

okay, I just clicked on the nesting house tour and just now put two and two together. I had seen the house tour awhile ago and just recently started lurking on your blog. Duh! I live in Dallas too, well...a little north. Fun!

Brooke Williams said...

i also think i have seen something like those trees at crate and barrel. not sure if they'd still carry something from a past season, but i think that is where i have seen them....

Whitney said...

if it's something from a past crate and barrel season, you should check the outlets if you live near one. they're prices are TO DIE FOR.

Julia said...

Okay, I'm totally using some of these links :)

Holly said...

big bottle brush trees? love!!

Siena Rose said...

try paper source. they've sold them in the past.

Anonymous said...

i think these might be the crate & barrel trees brooke mentioned? (and what a great price!)

Joslyn said...

brooke and caitlin...these are exactly what i was looking for! i just got five. thanks!