
Wednesday's List

image via Erin and Kelley’s most excellent blog traphic signs

All this week, along with my normal posts, Amy and I will feature lists from Friday's adventure!

Today’s list belongs to my amazing, creative, funny, smart, lovely cousin Erin…who I clearly adore (and for the record, Audrey completely worships!)

24 Things I want to Do Before I'm 25

  1. Hem and hang curtains for the bedroom
  2. Learn to make a gourmet meal like my friend Lindsy.
  3. Work up stamina to run 3 miles without walking
  4. Try a printing project from Lena Corwin’s book. [Maybe on the curtains I am going to hem and hang]
  5. Write thank you notes to any teacher that has affected me later in life in ways that I didn’t appreciate then.
  6. Learn a new dance
  7. Make a batch of wine at swirll
  8. Throw at least 3 dinner parties
  9. Go skydiving!!
  10. Co-host a Halloween party with a fog machine
  11. Buy all Christmas presents before my birthday
  12. Send flowers to someone for no reason
  13. Learn to bake… anything really… from scratch!
  14. Read 10 books… any suggestions?
  15. Finish reading the 2 books I am onto now.
  16. Borrow movies from the library instead of blockbuster
  17. Buy a ticket to Japan
  18. Save money to go to Japan
  19. Copy Joslyn and buy a bike
  20. and take a Sunday bike ride
  21. overcome my fear of ducks and go feed them at the pond
  22. Finish hanging things in my new apt.
  23. Paint
  24. Go to the Dallas Arboretum.


Lynne said...

2 of the best books I've read in the last year are Rohinton Mistry's A Fine Balance - just brilliant and Dave Egger's What is the What.

Anonymous said...

3 book recommendations: time traveler's wife, shantaram, extremely loud & incredibly close. :)