Jordan’s profile on her most excellent blog oh happy day reads:
“Married to a handsome redheaded artist, we have a little boy. I like good
weather and pretty things.”
Here’s what she doesn’t say about herself that’s pretty much obvious to anyone that loves and reads design blogs:
- She finds and posts about the best stuff
- She has amazing taste
- She creates gorgeous, unique parties
- She looks great in J Crew
- Plus (and I know this for a fact since I got to hang with her a bit during my trip to S.F.) She’s. Super. Nice.
Aren’t you excited she agreed to share her favorite things with us?
Herewith Jordan’s list. Enjoy and happy Friday!
1. Small Vintage Globes -- I collect them. I like how they look all lined up in a row.
2. VW Bug -- So classic, so fun.
3. Chuck Taylors -- I feel pulled together when I wear these sneakers. I go through 2 pairs a year. I always buy white.
4. Photobooths -- I never pass one up. I prefer the old kind. I have a whole picture album devoted to photobooth photos.
5. Mrs. Meyers Geranium Cleaner -- Makes my house smell delicious when it is clean.
6. Round Tourister Suitcase - My favorite suitcase, mine is a nice shade of yellow.
7. This American Life -- Oh Ira. I download this on my ipod, its just so warm and good.
8. Olivetti Valentine Typewriter -- I bought this Italian typewriter off Switzerland Ebay. It sits in my entry for guests to sign in and leave notes.
9. Parisian Macaroons -- My favorite cookie. So delicate and special.
10. Swedish Bicycles - They are beautiful, I want one really bad.
I am on a Macaroon kick. Have you seen the gorgeousness at Paulette?
Yay! Jordan is one of my favorite bloggers ever. So happy you've featured her!
Love Jordan's picks!! She's so so cute and has impeccable taste.
love it!
Mmm...I wholeheartedly agree with this list. And it looks so pretty too!
Mrs. Meyers is the best thing since sliced bread. My fave scent is the rhubarb, which sadly was a limited edition from last spring. I now hoard it like a crazy woman. Possibly a sign that I should get out more, but hey- my house smells great!
I would be thrilled to have ANY one of these items. What great picks {as always with Jordan}!!!
i just ran into your blog today and you turned my friday afternoon from grey to golden....
ooooooooh!!! i want that typewriter!!!
jordan rules!!!
i love your blog!!!!
I love Jordan's blog and her taste is indeed impeccable. So nice to learn more about what she loves!
yes for macaron's! i tried making some last week.. its not as hard as it looks!
yes, i adore her!
Awesome list from the Chuck Taylors to the typewriter and the bikes!
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