images via Studio Ilse I had all sorts of good intentions to do a little giveaway in celebration of my blog's one year anniversary back in August...But then that day came and went, and well, I dropped the ball. Then I realized I was nearing my 500th post, and I mentally filed that milestone away as a chance to redeem myself, and yep, you guessed it...missed that one too.
So, in the spirit of not following convention, on this my 502nd post, I'm doing a little giveaway. The prize? Two of my all-time favorite decor/design books, Sensual Home and Home Is Where the Heart Is, both by the genius Ilse Crawford. I consistently give these books as wedding gifts and to friends who’ve bought new homes…They're timeless and completely inspiring, drawing on the idea that a home is about so much more than simply the objects you put within it…something I firmly believe.
Just leave a comment on this post by Friday, October 10 at midnight, and I’ll announce a winner Monday morning.
And by the way... Thank you. Blogging wouldn't be half as fun, inspiring or fulfilling without the interactions I get to have with each of you!
Yay! Congrats on Post #502! I do so love your blog and am so glad you have one! Such a bright, cheery, stylish corner of the blogosphere is Simple Lovely!!
Congrats on a year and over 500 posts on your wonderful blog! You are my first click on my google reader every morning, as I always look forward to what inspiration you have for me that day. Keep em coming!
Ooh, pick me, pick me!
I enjoy your blog.
Ooh! I'm getting married Sunday, so this would be a perfect (and timely) prize! And we just got a new house. Seriously. This is meant to be.
P.S. Love your blog. I stalk you like you're Madonna or something.
P.P.S. If I DO win, I will be out of the country on my honeymoon until the 24th. Just FYI. Since this is meant to be and all. :-)
Your blog is awesome! It is also my first click on my reader in the morning!!! These books would be so fabulous to have. Thanks for the daily inspiration you give me, and please keep it up!
Happy 502! Just found your blog a week or so ago and subscribed immediately. just beautiful -
Your blog is great! And a design book would be great inspiration for my recently purchased home!! Thanks for blogging....and offering prizes :)
considering how much I love your sense of style and your own home decor, I have no doubt that I will also love these books. If I don't win, they will definitely be added to my Christmas list!
I love drooling over home decor books, pick me!
Congratulations! Your blog is quite lovely!
And I'm a huge fan of Ilse's books! I hadn't thought of giving them away as wedding presents but they are ideal for that, aren't they?!
Thank you for a lovely blog!
Love your blog. I love your idea for a giveaway on the 502nd post. I'm filing that away for my 502nd post, since I missed my blog's year anniversary too.
i also have been enjoying your blog - congrats on post #2! i hope i win!
Congrats on the big 502! I enjoy your blog everyday!
I am sort of delurking, and crawling out of the woodwork to let you know that I adore your blog. :) Nice to meet you? Heehee.
Congrats on your blogiversary! Hurrah for giveaways!
I just came upon your blog in the past wk and i'm luving it! Good style!
Hooray for your blogiversary! I heart your blog and am always inspired by your creativity!
Those books look delightful. :)
i, for one, am very glad to see you here at #502...your site brings some much-needed beauty to dull days. congrats!
I just love Your blog:)!
congratulations, joslyn! your blog is a delight each and every time i click over here. love it!!
Congrats! Your blog is lovely and inspiring.
Your blog gets me through the work day! Thanks for that :)
Hey well done with over 500 posts! Nice work and thank you for all your inspirational and lovely posts, all the best!
I really enjoy your blog and sense of style. Thanks for providing daily bits of inspiration.
Your blog is lovely and a must read while the little one naps.
Congrats on 502 and here's to many more!
A fellow Texan here. Love your blog!
Congrats on #502. :) Fairly new to your blog, but I simply love it. Keep up the good work!
i'm intrigued and could use the help... hope i win!
Oooh, how fun! I would love to win these books. Oh, and congratulations on your five hundred and second post!
Wow---502! I hope that by the time I get to that stage my blog is able to maintain the quality and passion that yours still has. Congrats Joslyn!
Congratulations Simply Lovely!
Congrats on your 502nd post! And thank YOU for the blogging. ;)
happy blog birthday! thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on all the missed milestones! I'm exactly the same way. So here's to your 502nd post!
Thanks for all you share. Your blog is a bit of beauty and style each day.
Congratulations on your 502nd post. You really have created such a lovely place to stop and read, so thank you. I would love those books, the idea within them sounds perfect!!
I just love Simple Lovely. Keep up the great work :)
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the little things that make life sweet (and pretty). :)
Joslyn--how nice of you. I came across your blog through Design Mom and have been hooked ever since. You also inspired me to check out some books by Ilse Crawford--how fitting!
Thanks for the daily inspiration. Congrats on the 502nd entry!
I think my OCD-ness wouldn't let me do it on the 502nd :) Congrats! A beautiful little blog you've got...
Hooray! and Congrats! Big milestones each. Thank you and I hope the next 502 are just as good.
CONGRATULATIONS! I can't believe you're over 500 posts! That's truly remarkable :)
What a sweet thing to do and congratulations on your 502nd post!
Hmm, I think giveaways really must be the best way to get all of your blog stalkers to come out of the woodwork :) Win or not, thanks for this post - I've been looking for a wedding gift for a friend, and this just might be the perfect thing!
I recently discovered Simple Lovely and, I have to admit, I'm addicted.
Hi - I'm an admiring lurker, hoping to get picked!
Thank you for daily inspiration. Congrats.
I just found your blog and am loving it. Thank you for so much inspiration. I was just telling my best friend how I am not pining for an extravagant life - just one that is simple and lovely. Then I found your site and smiled. Kindred.
Congratulations! Not only do I love ready your blog everyday, you were a huge inspiration to start my own. Thank you!!
Congratulations! xoxoxo Abbey
winning would be lovely....
oooh, i'd love win some good books! congratulations on the milestones. it's never the wrong time to celebrate, i say.
Congrats on big number five-oh-two!
: ) I really enjoy your blog, and I would love to have some fantastic decor books! My boyfriend just got a new apartment, and it's all sad and white and kind of a mess. It needs some pep! : )
I'm a decor book collector and also have a knack for forgetting important dates, much to my boyfriends dismay, lol...pick me! (please)
Congratulations! I love your beautiful blog, and those books look terrific. :)
Keep blogging! I always look forward to your posts, especially the list of favorites each week.
I would be so excited if your inspiration could become my inspiration! Keeping my fingers crossed...
Great blog! Great gifts! Congratulations on your 502 post!
Congratulations on 502! Love your blog and would love the books!
Woo Hoo for 502! A day without you is a like a day without sunshine!
Congrats on 502! Just started looking at your blog and really enjoy it.
just started reading your blog recently & thoroughly love it.
I am going to move into my first apartment soon...first time living alone, too! I would love some help with decorating. Thanks, I love your blog!
congrats. your blog is lovely.
i absolutely adore your blog! those books sound amazing! :D
congrats on 500 - wow!!
As a librarian in training, I adore books of all shapes and sizes!
congratulations! what an accomplishment. i'm hoping to win the books for some inspiration in my new home.
How fun! I'm building a house so the books would be VERY useful. A house outside of Dallas no less!
502! i've adored them all, i think.
you know how i feel about you...but i'm so glad you have this space so we can chum around and clap loudly for each other.
i always always tell people that my little blog changed the day you chose me as a "make my day" blog.
i've said thank you for that, yes? xoxo. kmm
Well done on 502 posts ;)
I keep your blog on google reader and it's one of my favourites, thank you for sharing!
The books sound wonderful. I'm decor obsessed!
I'm responding to a blog! That's the first thing off of my 44 things to do before I turn 45 list! All it took was the lure of a prize (and some help from my teenager).
Awesome giveaway. I love your blog - it's one of my favorites. Thanks for all the beautiful inspiration!
I love your blog ~ so much inspiration in one place!
Fairly new to your blog and loving it! Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
I am moving in to that first picture.
congrats on #502!
Yay for 502! Yay for giveaways!
I love your blog!! It's fun and inspirational!!
I am new to Simple Lovely, but I am loving it! Inspiration is everywhere on your pages. Congrats on your 502nd post!
Congrats! Your blog is very inspiring and my day wouldn't be complete without taking a gander at the new things you have come up with and the links you provide to other talented, inspired people. Thanks!
Congratulations on your blogoversary. I keep missing mine, too... but then a had a really long, slow learning curve and it took me almost 4 years to get where I am now. Or is it 5? Don't even know.
I just recently discovered your blog and i just love reading it daily. Congratulations on
Congrats and keep the posts coming!
I would love the books!
I love your daily blogging...it's a little treat for me everyday!
how fabulous! happy anniversary beautiful blogger!!
way to goooooo!
Thanks for your inspiring, insightful blog! Congratulations on #502!
Happy 502!! I love your taste so I'm sure the decor books you recommend will be fabulous!
I really love your blog! Keep up the good work!
congratulations on all the fabulous posts and inspiration! these books sound wonderful!
Design books! What a great idea for gift giving and give aways.
I love your blog, very inspiring.
502 really IS something to celebrate! Congratulations! And also 'Thank You' for inspiring us all with your prose & imagery. I've gleaned so much from your posts since I first discovered your blog.
Wow! 502 posts, and all of them great! :-)
Sensual Home has been in my design binder for months now...it's been something I've wanted to pick up for awhile. I'm so thrilled at the chance of winning a copy!
I just discovered your blog today and I'm loving it! Thanks for sharing yourself and all your ideas with the blog world. I never win anything, but I'll try anyway :)
502 sounds like grounds for celebration! Congrats!
Joslyn-- you are a tastemaker, an incredible spotter of beautiful things, and a stylish addition to the blog world! I count on your blog and your posts-- great job and congrats to you!
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