So did you happen to catch Michelle’s airy, lovely house over on Design Sponge? When I laid eyes on her dining room, I immediately thought I’d like to sit at that sunny table and have a cup of coffee. That’s it. Nothing else. Just drink coffee…and sit.
This was timely, as every once in a while we hit an especially harried phase around our house, and this week (with “school” starting and work fairly crazed for both of us) happens to be especially nutty. Bryan and I deal with having too much to do in distinctly different ways. His approach is to focus on one. thing. at. a. time. to the detriment of anything else around him. Admirable…and you can bet that the object of his focus is getting 100% of his attention, but I just don’t roll that way.
No, I’m firmly, unequivocally a “multi-tasker” (which I’m realizing, despite all the hype to the contrary, isn’t really a good thing.) And sadly, not only do I multi-task, but I tend to take pride in juggling as many tasks as humanly possible -- at once… (Typical scenario = chatting with my mom on phone, simultaneously packing kid’s lunches + unloading dishwasher and mentally prepping for a meeting with my boss.)
This can’t be healthy. Not only am I not really giving any one thing the attention it deserves, but it’s stressful operating this way. So I’m working on focus…I even printed out these 11 tips for slowing down from Apartment Therapy and stuck them above my desk as a reminder…their #1 tip…
“try doing just one thing at a time…”
We’ll see how it goes.
I too am a multi-tasker! And it can get me into so much trouble. I start missing the little things. And sometimes, when it's especially chaotic, I forget things altogether in my frantic desire to multi-task the other things!
Thank you for this little look into your life! I hope you find a few things to try from the 11 tips :)
I'm an addicted multi tasker as well. It's why I probably wouldn't survive if someone took away all my listmaking materials.
I'm checking out those tips now! We could all use a little slow down in our days.
I put so many things on my plate that I get overwhelmed and don't get any of them done! I could definitely benefit from slowing down in a way that doesn't involve ignoring my to-do list and watching TV instead... ;)
good luck...I seem to have a hard time finishing anything. I flit about...I guess I a a flitter?
I am heading on over to check out that house tour....
I think many of us have the same problem with multi-tasking. I often have to stop and take a deep breath. Make a list and then focus on one thing at a time. So much harder than it sounds.
The room is gorgeous, and you're right - relaxing. Feels like home and I've never been there.
Keep me posted on #'s 2 through 11. I'm in the same boat with you!
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