I realize I'm not exactly unique in my passion for list making.
But, to accurately describe my fevor for lists, passionate is probably too tame a word. No, I'm a bit further gone than your standard issue list-maker...more along the lines of, say, totally obsessive list maker*. I make lists on my computer, on scraps of paper, on post-it notes, on our (multiple) chalkboards, even on the back of other lists -- They're all. over. the. place. -- except in notebooks, which I somehow suspect in a more ordered existence is where they should be.
The challenge with notebooks is finding one that is portable enough for my list mania, but not so tiny that it's comically unusable. I'm intrigued by these from Nantaka Joy -- small (but seemingly not too small) and awfully pretty.
* it appears Audrey shares my list-making obsession, as she carries a piece of paper and a tiny pencil with her at all times and insists on writing everything down. (She uses what appears to be a miniature-golf score keeping pencil, which I have absolutely no clue where she obtained, as we're not so much a miniature golf family at this point.) The problem of course is that she can spell exactly four words, so there's a lot of "how do you spell...??? " happening at our house...
Oh, so gorgeous. As a fellow compulsive list maker, I think I might need to indulge. Although I have to admit that the much less beautiful, but highly versatile Excel features heavily in my list making.
I too love making lists and actually just blogged about listmaking on Momformation (http://blogs.parentcenter.babycenter.com/momformation/2008/08/01/week-of-wonders%e2%80%94the-mommy-list/).
I've tried all kinds of different systems. Sometimes I think I need a system to keep my lists in order! I do love a pretty notebook like the ones you show... but have found that the most practical way to keep track of it all is on the computer!
I have a Nantaka Joy notebook and I love it. It's just the right size, and that scalloped edge is perfection.
That Audrey is too cute!
i too love making lists and especially love making lists in pretty notebooks. those are gorgeous.
I am also a fellow list maker on anything and everything I can get my hands on. I have one of the Nantaka Joy notebooks and I love it. It is the perfect size and so lovely to look at.
I love lists!!!!!
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