Not the mall or a museum, rather shots of the intensely artful (not to mention delightfully odd) local shop, Grange Hall.
Carolina has a good "review" of this place from her recent trip to Dallas...
For me, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing art in person. I'm obsessed with sharing this passion with the girls, so I've always vowed that I would expose them to as much art as humanly possible during their childhoods. Despite this mission, I've only very recently taken Audrey to a actual museum or gallery...(I know, I know bad mom.)
So when she asked me a few months ago if we could go "back to the museum," I was genuinely perplexed. I quizzed her on what this "museum" looked like, what we did there, when we went, etc, etc... to which she responded, (with slight annoyance in her voice) "you know, that place where you tried on lots of clothes and bought me the giant pink cookie."
Ahh yes, the mall... Bad, bad, bad mom.
In my defense (lest you think I'm in the process of raising a frivolous, cultureless, soulless bimbo), the mall I had taken her to is owned by the Nasher family and filled to the brim with amazing art and sculpture. So it's sort of a museum...right?
Needless to say, I'm now on a mission to make up for lost time. One of the top items on the list is to take Audrey to every museum in the area before the end of the year, and I'm proud to report that we're making pretty good progress... especially if the mall counts.
I love this! Now I can tell people I worked my way through grad school by working at a museum. A museum with awesome, fabulous commission sales wages.
i like your thinking Betsey!
me, too! so, then...my first job was at a museum.
i'm so much cooler than i was a minute ago...
Ha! Well at least Audrey is probably telling people her mom takes her to the museum!
Completely cute that she thought they were one and the same. It's wonderful that you're taking her to museums in the area -- I've been taken to museums for as long as I can remember and grew up with a great interest in and a deep appreciation for art and all the wonderful things museums hold.
I'm giggling! It is my goal to take B to the museum before the end of summer. I am not sure any Portland malls could come close to museum status...bummer.
SO adorable! This post and everyone's comments!
What a gorgeous shot in the photo as well!
Your posts are filled with not only beautiful images, but inspiring thoughts and sentiment! I love reading your blog :)
thanks julia!
I just clicked over to read Carolina's review because we are moving to Dallas this winter and just returned from a visit there to do neighborhood research & house hunting. I don't know how I missed that you live there. I'll have to start paying better attention. It's really interesting to see how you have "modernized" a house. Having seen what's available, I think that we will be in a similar situation. Love your blog!
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