I loved Victoria's (aka sf girl by the bay) feature on photographer Angie Cao over on Bloesem...especially this:
"Angie says she began her love for photography while attending an all girls Catholic school, where without boys as a distraction, she focused all her attention on her photography."
That settles it. Millie and Audrey are definitely going to an all-girls private school.
seriously though- I think it is the key!!! I loved loved loved when I had all boys or all girls in workshops or school trips and such- they really were less distracted!
i also attended an all girls' catholic high school...which leaves me wondering why the heck i didn't turn out like angie cao.
{page two of her portfolio is drop.dead.gorgeous.}
thanks for this one...
Honestly, there's something to this. I've been distracted by boys since pre-school!!
love this look -- the neutrals feel so clean.
- Jessie -
Yes indeed simply beautiful!
I went to an all girls summer camp three summers in a row and LOVED it! We got to be girls without care for hair, make-up and flirting! It was great :)
Love the photography!
Hi Joslyn!
I'm also a Dallas resident (and native) who went to a woman's college in Virginia (and a public Carrollton high school). I love your blog and I'm a huge advocate for single sex education--it's an amazing confidence builder for women and a place where one can focus on learning and exploring and getting to know herself in the context of other confident women. So wonderful! Thanks for a beautiful blog!
Loved this post!
I don't know how serious you are about this one, but as a product of an all-girls Catholic high school, I can say it was the best experience I could have had. It gave me just the right amount of comfort to attempt things that I would have been too intimidated to try had boys been around, and that in turn helped build my confidence quite a bit. Definitely something to consider...
after reading these comments i'm more serious than ever. We have an excellent public elementary school that i'd like to send the girls to, and then target private all girls school for jr. high and high school...that's the plan.
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