
More Predictable Behavior

photo via nibs

I. Love. This. But of course I do....

Although I'm not sure what I love more, the fridge or the shopping list.


Oh and here's how you can make one of your very own. Happy weekend.


Jessie Cacciola said...

oh that is just so cool.
- Jessie -

Julia said...

Fabulous, absolutely fabulous!

mary s. said...

You know, it's funny - when I first saw this I was so focused on the chalkboard aspect of it, I didn't even notice the list. I love the list!!

Joanna Goddard said...

i hadn't noticed champagne either -- so cute!!

love this look.

Unknown said...

Great find!!!

SimplyGrove said...

How fun! Its stylish and quirky. Great find!!!

dee said...

Your blog is so fun...I'm so glad I found it. I can't even remember how I did, but I've been devouring it. So many great ideas, and such pretty photography!