
Friday Morning Paper -- Write a Letter

Don't you miss handwritten letters?

I do.

Writing them was a bit romantic. It actually required a smidge of time and effort + you could save them (in a nice little stack, all tied up with ribbon or twine) to re-read later when you wanted to be transported back to some specific time in your life. (Oh gosh am I starting to sound like Andy Rooney?? Yikes.)

We still write thank you notes of course, but that's not quite the same...

So I think I will start to write a few letters again to those that I know will really enjoy them. And when I write them, I'd like to use Abbey's elephant emblazoned cards and envelopes made from vintage wallpaper.

Wouldn't you?


mary s. said...

Perhaps not so surprisingly, we are on the same wavelength. I just wrote something about the lost art of letter writing last night. I totally agree!

When I was young, I had tons of pen pals. I guess the adult version of my pen pals are my online friends, but I will never forget how I would literally wait by the window for the mailman to arrive with letters. I loved it!

Joslyn said...

i love that we are on the same wavelength mary! yes...i've also been thinking of oneline friends as the pen pals of today...but a handwritten letter. sigh.

melissa said...

Yes, i so miss handwritten letters. My daily mailbox is stuffed with impersonal junk mail, and not one pretty elephant emblazoned card.

Jane said...


When I was still in college and Andy had graduated he use to send me a letter every week. It usually arrived on Friday so it was a great start to my weekend. The only thing wrong with the whole senario was he was dating someone else :)

Joslyn said...

yes jane that is an almost perfect senario... ;-)

Joanna Goddard said...

yes! handwritten letters are THE BEST.

Simple Answer said...

I saw the photos before the posting and had the same thought. I miss handwritten letters.

Heather Taylor said...

i LOVE the elephant cards!