
And the Obsession Continues, and Continues, and Continues...

I'm seriously swooning over Page's white pottery collection via Bluelines.


Uncle Beefy said...

Okay...FINE, Joslyn! Just keep feeding the addiction! I can handle it...really I can! At least I think so? Oh why must you taunt me with such tempting white ceramic delights!? Why?!!

(I know...I take serious liberties with proper punctuation.)

Joslyn said...

sorry uncle beefy...
p.s. i too am all about liberal punctuating...it's somehow a nice thumb of the nose at my OCD ;-)

Jessie Cacciola said...

- Jessie-

Kristin said...

I too am such a fan of white ceramics and pottery. I say embrace the addiction! It could be worse, you know...