
Macramé Pot Holder Not Included

I've been hankering for this hanging rattan chair for a while. I love how it feels perfectly modern but still has a nice 70's vibe, which really makes it perfect for our back patio -- I've frequently described our house decor as a bit Brady Bunch meets Boogie Nights with a modern twist (but in a totally kid-appropriate way of course.)

Now that we're in the thick of some pretty delightful springtime weather here in Texas, my hankering has escalated to obsession.

It's better than obsessing about a pantry I suppose...


Joanna Goddard said...

wow, that is very very cool! they had one in Cookie Magazine and while back. i love it.

juju said...

i got one for my 10th birthday....who knew i was so ahead of my time.........or maybe i was just right on time? LOVED it then and LOVE it now!

Joslyn said...

juju you are way ahead of your time...awesome 10th birthday gift. wonder if audrey would want this for her 5th birthday...hmm...bad mom.