This time last year, I was in the thick of planning for Bryan's birthday party. It was a milestone birthday, and his fixation on woodworking was at an apex, so I went a little overboard... There were handmade invitations involving the creative genius of my friend Achlee, vellum paper and wood veneer, tons of hurricanes fashioned with sheets of even more wood veneer, loads of German food and a ridiculously giant red velvet cake (his favorite.) Plus, we asked all the guests to arrive with a piece of wood found or bought that he could craft something from.
Suffice to say, this year is going to be a smidge more mellow, perhaps a little dinner at home with a few friends (and of course the red velvet cake.) But mellow doesn't mean it won't be festive...I'm thinking this garland draped over the table and these clever invites by the ladies at Royal Buffet (spotted via Bloesem) would fit the mood just right.
I'd be smitten with these pieces based solely on the fact that they're one-of-a-kind and made of recycled photography books and papers (not to mention the invites sport awfully clever lines, such as, "Last year, when you did not attend, I wept for days. ")
But then throw in Royal Buffet's profile on etsy, and I'm in for sure:
Suffice to say, this year is going to be a smidge more mellow, perhaps a little dinner at home with a few friends (and of course the red velvet cake.) But mellow doesn't mean it won't be festive...I'm thinking this garland draped over the table and these clever invites by the ladies at Royal Buffet (spotted via Bloesem) would fit the mood just right.
I'd be smitten with these pieces based solely on the fact that they're one-of-a-kind and made of recycled photography books and papers (not to mention the invites sport awfully clever lines, such as, "Last year, when you did not attend, I wept for days. ")
But then throw in Royal Buffet's profile on etsy, and I'm in for sure:
"We are Mollie Greene and Annie Koelle and we created Royal Buffet so that weYou can also find Mollie and Annie on their lovely blogs.
could make fantastic things to share with others. We are wives, mothers,
artists, and enjoyers of life."
That garland is beautiful! Thanks for the heads-up on these lovely ladies!
oooh! new cool blogs. pretty pictures. i'm so in.
have a good weekend!
What a great find. I adore this pair already!
(this is mollie greene . . .)
hey, thanks joslyn! what a nice post to find about us. :)
Wow, this garland is amazing, I just had to buy one immediately! Thanks for showing this!
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