Audrey has inherited my deep and abiding love of stickers. (I can't think of a single thing I loved more as a child than a new sheet of stickers...I had a seriously epic sticker collection.)
You'd think, given my history, I'd be more amenable to her passion, but she's a bit more of a free spirit than I was and feels very strongly that stickers should not be confined to the pages of a sticker book. No, she believes they should be stuck to as many surfaces as possible...to further beautify our home, she claims (in her own words of course.)
But, I don't think I would mind one bit if one of these adorable stickers by the lovely Fanja suddenly appeared on our coffee table or the back of the sofa...I might even welcome it in fact.
Happy Friday.
These are great! I loved stickers when I was younger too (still do) ... I remember how devastated I was when my bulging sticker album was stolen at school. I still haven't recovered from the trauma ...
oh that would have been traumatic!
oh, i had an album, too! full of those puffy stickers, remember?
these are hilarious, though!
yes! i had loads of puffy ones karey...and lots of lisa frank, and unicorns...rainbow unicorns especially.
I would have to agree; Fanja's designs are simply amazing!
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