When I delivered Millie, every single nurse that came into our hospital room asked if we were going try for a boy...for the record, the answer was an unequivocal "no". From time to time we talk about what it would be like to have a boy, but we’ve never been anything but thrilled to have two little girls. Bryan has two brothers, and I have two sisters, so we were really comfortable and kinda excited about the idea of same sex siblings.
At Audrey’s party on Saturday, it occurred to me that of all our friends with more than one child, we know only one other family with only girls. Most of our friends have only boys, and they are all really, really great kids – in no small part due to their really, really excellent moms (and dads.) Ranging from age 2 to 16, they’re all funny, polite and interesting… it gives me hope to know that these are the boys that will be Audrey and Millie's peers.
For the past three of her birthdays, one of these little guys -- our dear friend Sam, has presented Audrey with flowers at her party. On Saturday, Sam’s mom Ann told me her dream was that Audrey would be 25 and living in Manhattan and Sam would still be sending her flowers for her birthday.
With Ann as Sam’s mom, I don’t think her dream is that far-fetched.
At Audrey’s party on Saturday, it occurred to me that of all our friends with more than one child, we know only one other family with only girls. Most of our friends have only boys, and they are all really, really great kids – in no small part due to their really, really excellent moms (and dads.) Ranging from age 2 to 16, they’re all funny, polite and interesting… it gives me hope to know that these are the boys that will be Audrey and Millie's peers.
For the past three of her birthdays, one of these little guys -- our dear friend Sam, has presented Audrey with flowers at her party. On Saturday, Sam’s mom Ann told me her dream was that Audrey would be 25 and living in Manhattan and Sam would still be sending her flowers for her birthday.
With Ann as Sam’s mom, I don’t think her dream is that far-fetched.
They do make a cute couple don't they? It's nice to see I haven't strayed from my paper bag/rafia presentation!
the paper bag/rafia is part of the deal sister!
Ry and Matt would be glad to send her a frog or two from our yard ;)
she'd be happy to have the frog too! i promise.
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