Full disclosure...I don’t cook much. Bryan’s really the resident chef of the family. But, I think about cooking all the time. My in-laws subscribe to Food and Wine and bring over stacks of old issues for me every couple of months (a hint perhaps?) An afternoon of feverishly flipping through them, and I start feeling very “Alice Watersesque”, heading to the kitchen -- where I inevitably end up falling back on one of the three or so recipes I have memorized.
I was flipping though an old issue recently and came across an article about Lionel Poilane (he of French baking fame) and his wife Ibu. They were tragically killed in a helicopter accident a few years ago, which made the photos of their amazing home and bakery even more poignant. I’m not one to openly covet other people (if anything, getting older has taught me that embracing all the seemingly mundane everyday occurrences of your own life is the only sure-fire route to happiness), but the confluence of elements that made up their life we’re so amazingly lovely. I definitely walked away inspired.
I was flipping though an old issue recently and came across an article about Lionel Poilane (he of French baking fame) and his wife Ibu. They were tragically killed in a helicopter accident a few years ago, which made the photos of their amazing home and bakery even more poignant. I’m not one to openly covet other people (if anything, getting older has taught me that embracing all the seemingly mundane everyday occurrences of your own life is the only sure-fire route to happiness), but the confluence of elements that made up their life we’re so amazingly lovely. I definitely walked away inspired.
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